
SEL-735 Оролтын чадлын чанар болон тоолуур?

The SEL-735 Power Quality and Revenue Meter is now fully Class A–compliant to the IEC 61000-4-30 power quality standard. With reliable Class A measurement, operators can identify power system anomalies and isolate their source with confidence.

For high-accuracy revenue metering applications, the SEL-735 exceeds ANSI C12.20 and IEC 62053-22 0.2 accuracy requirements over a wide current range. This makes the SEL-735 the premiere choice for generation, interchange, transmission, distribution, or industrial applications.

Enhance the capabilities of SEL meters with acSELerator Meter Reports Software. Meter Reports allows you to optimize your system by analyzing data, identifying usage trends, and diagnosing system problems.


Popular Models

  • 32 MB of recording memory
  • 16 channels of energy and PQ trending
  • 16 samples/cycle waveform capture
Enhancement from basic:
  • 128 MB of recording memory
  • 192 channels of energy and PQ trending
  • IEC 61850 communications
  • IEC 61000-4-30 Class A aggregation
  • 128 samples/cycle waveform capture
Enhancement from basic:
  • Power harmonics and interharmonics
  • 512 samples/cycle waveform capture


Ensure Accurate Revenue Metering—Exceed ANSI C12.20 0.2 class accuracy with bidirectional, full four-quadrant energy metering for generation, interchange, transmission, distribution, or industrial applications. Many new metering installations, such as distributed generation, operate over a wide current range. The SEL-735 is three times as accurate as ANSI C12.20 Accuracy Class 0.2 requirements, over an extended operating range.

Compensate for Errors in Instrument Transformers—Increase metering accuracy by compensating for instrument transformer errors. The SEL-735 interpolates six user-defined calibration points and corrects ratio and phase errors over the entire measurement range. Decrease replacement and maintenance costs by compensating for each instrument transformer individually.

With the powerful combination of instrumentation transformer compensation and IEEE C37.118 synchrophasors, customers can choose to correct delays and errors on each phase to achieve greater system accuracy.

Automate Data Reading (Time-of-Use)—Capture rate-based demand and energy consumption, configured with a user-defined calendar. A user-defined schedule instructs the meter to perform a particular action at a specified time, such as a self-read or demand reset. Apply time-of-use metering to bill consumption at different rates based on season, day type, and time of day.

Measure and Report Reliable Power Quality Indicators—Ensure precise and reliable measurements with IEC 61000-4-30 Class A power quality compliance. Size feeders appropriately, safeguard equipment, and plan upgrades using power quality indicators for predictive maintenance. The SEL-735 measures harmonics, interharmonics, flicker, power factor, voltage disturbances, K-factor, and other key power quality indicators.

Log Profile Data—Collect billing data with a simple-to-use load profile recorder that captures years of data. Independent load profile recorders in the SEL-735 allow simultaneous meter and power quality logging of up to 192 data channels. Trend averages, minimums, maximums, changes, and snapshots at a rate as often as every three seconds.

Capture Waveforms and Trigger Records—Record approximately 3,000 events associated with programmable trigger conditions, such as a voltage interruption. Also, capture real-time voltage and current signals in both the time and frequency domains with the Wave View Oscillography functionality.

Voltage Sag, Swell, and Interruption Logging (VSSI)—Enabled from the factory, the VSSI recorder time-stamps voltage excursions with up to 4 ms resolution and records indefinitely using an adaptive sampling rate. Settings include trigger thresholds from ±3 percent to ±100 percent of the actual value and an automatic recording duration dependent on the length of the voltage excursion.