
SEL-2411P Насосны автоматжуулалтын контроллёр

The SEL-2411P is a standalone, preconfigured, SCADA-ready system for control and monitoring of water and wastewater pump applications. It is a simple solution to monitor and control liquid level pump-up and pump-down applications, such as lift stations (pump-down) and wells or reservoirs (pump-up). The SEL-2411P is UL-listed and designed to withstand harsh water and wastewater environments and comes standard with conformal coating to protect against atmospheres where corrosive gases, fumes, or liquids are present. Flexible I/O options, communications protocols, and simple station settings allow easy integration into new or retrofit applications.


High Reliability and Rugged Design

The SEL-2411P is UL-listed and designed to withstand vibration, electrical surges, fast transients, and extreme operating temperatures of –40º to +85ºC (–40º to +185ºF), and it has Class 1, Division 2 Hazardous Location Approval. We offer superior specification compliance and overall cost advantages, such as higher reliability, a lower purchase price, and no-charge configuration software with no reoccurring licensing fees. The SEL-2411P is protected by a no-questions-asked, worldwide, ten-year product warranty. For even harsher environments, the SEL-2411P comes standard with conformal coating to protect against airborne contaminants, such as chlorine, salt, and moisture.

Interoperable and SCADA-Ready Solution

The controller comes with a configured DNP3 map for scalable SCADA applications and includes the Modbus protocol as well as Ethernet and serial interfaces.

Interactive Station Settings

You can set the controller using the station settings tool for an interactive, simple, and quick configuration experience. Answering as few as four questions lets you customize the controller for any of the supported modes of operation:

  • Single pump (well controller)
  • Duplex pump controller
  • Triplex station
  • Triplex jockey
  • Triplex high service

Flexible I/O for Local Control and System Applications

The base unit includes 20 digital inputs (DI) and 7 digital outputs (DO). Two additional card slots let you customize the I/O with the following card options:

  • 14 DI card
  • 8 analog input (AI) card
  • 4 AI/4 analog output (AO) card
  • 3 ac voltage input (AVI) phase monitor card

Pump Diagnostic Reports

The SEL-2411P provides the following pump reports:

  • Run time for the last 2 hr, 24 hr, and 48 hr and total run time per pump
  • Pump start counts for the last 2 hr, 24 hr, and 48 hr and total starts per pump

Communications and Integration

The SEL-2411P includes two EIA-232 ports and two 10/100BASE-T Ethernet ports (front and back). Standard Ethernet protocols include Telnet, FTP, Modbus TCP, and DNP3 LAN/WAN. Standard serial protocols include Modbus RTU, Compressed ASCII, and SEL protocols, including SEL ASCII, SEL Mirrored Bits communications, and SEL Fast SER.

Convenient Customizable Controls

The front panel includes four programmable pushbuttons and status LEDs that can be customized to fit your application`s local control needs. You can print labels for seven front-panel LEDs to show the device status, critical I/O status, or results of logic calculations. You can also label the four pushbuttons and associated LEDs to simplify operator interaction.

Local Control With SELogic Control Equations

Program the SEL-2411P with powerful math and logic. You can use control equations with logic, arithmetic, analog comparison, and timer functions for automatic local control and to combine data into system information. Time-deterministic, high-speed processing is ideal for critical applications.

Customizable and Scalable Solution

Network, replicate, and standardize your pump control applications and interface across many facilities while maintaining the flexibility to customize for unique or standalone stations. The SEL-2411P simplifies standardization and support with documented features and functionality.   

