
SEL-2507 Алсын удирдлагатай өндөр хурдны оролт гаралтын модуль

The SEL-2507 High-Speed Remote I/O Module has eight inputs and eight outputs with an optional fiber-optic communications port. Connect the SEL-2507 to the SEL-T400L Time-Domain Line Protection or another SEL-2507 at 115.2 kbps to provide ultra-high-speed remote I/O. Millisecond Mirrored Bits messages transmit every 500 microseconds in these configurations, a four-fold increase over previous remote I/O applications.


Protection and Monitoring
Add simple bus protection using contact inputs and outputs from existing relays. Add secure pilot communications to existing two- and three-terminal line applications. Add local or remote trip- and close-coil monitoring capability.

User-Configurable Labels
Allow clear indication of system function and status.

Expand the I/O of SEL relays that are Mirrored Bits-compatible.

Flexible Communications
Connect between devices with the included RS-232 port, or select the optional SEL-2812–compatible fiber-optic port for communication with electrical isolation up to 4 km apart.

Replace control wiring to outside cabinets with fiber-optic cable to eliminate paths for dangerous voltages. All I/O terminals are behind the panel.

Use the communications monitoring feature to alarm when fiber-optic control cabling has been damaged, disturbed, or altered. Fiber-optic links are far less susceptible to electrical interference.

Easy Installation and Service
Install the rack-mount, compact two-rack-unit chassis. The SEL-2507 includes screw-terminal connector (STC) blocks for easy replacement of the unit.